10 Travel Tips Before You Backpack

We write about all the places that we have travel to and give tips along the way, but this article is going to share top ten travel tips for any trip you might want to take. If we were to chat to you in person before your next trip, these are the ten big travel tips we would want to pass along.
  1. If you have travel anxiety, don’t wing it 
  2. Think about your layovers
  3. Travel in the moment
  4. Pack twice the amount of money & half that amount of stuff.
  5. Read Blogs
  6. Pack a strategic carry on
  7. Have necessary travel documents and insurance
  8. Keep a journal
  9. Consider Solo Travel
  10. Be yourself
If you have travel anxiety, don’t wing it :

Travel is often talked up as this “ultimate adventure” that you have to become another person to do. A lot of people think that means not planning and just trying to see where the wind takes you. That’s all fine and dandy if you have a big budget and don’t have any anxiety about traveling, but if you worry about details like missing flights, finding an affordable hotel, knowing what to do in a city, etc, then we would suggest you plan things out. There’s no shame in being overly-prepared. This travel tips will help you lot in your trip.
Think about your layovers :

Don’t just pick the cheapest flight or train you see pop up on your search results, because often those have airport, railway changes and long layovers. We actually never book a flight that requires an airport switch because then we worry the whole time about traffic, taxi drivers ripping us off, and missing our connecting flight. If you go for a long layover, have a plan in mind. We recently got a great deal on a flight that have a 17 hour layover.
That was perfect because we had a travel partner there we could stay with, and see their neighborhood. You can also book flights & train as a multiple city booking to stay somewhere a few days that the flight & train route has a layover in anyway. Some airlines even add free layovers in their home countries if you choose to fly them. This travel tips will help you lot in your trip.
Travel in the moment :

You should be a planner at heart, always have been. You should know an idea of an itinerary which is created by tour planners or at least a few places You want to see before you go somewhere so that you can make the most of your time there. Because you already know your plan, you can enjoy each day as it happens rather than worry about booking your next ticket or finding a hotel for the next day. This travel tips will help you lot in your trip.
Pack twice the amount of money & half that amount of stuff :

You may have heard this advice over the years and it’s very true. You almost always spend more than you think and if you pack less you can shop more! Never pack an outfit you think you might wear on a special night out. Stick with about 7 cute sundresses. Dresses are easier than separates. This travel tips will help you lot in your trip.
Read Blogs :

Not just travel blogs, but food blogs and fashion blogs. If you’re going to abroad or within india look up the bloggers who live there; they are the ones who have the inside information and spend their days writing about it. If you google “food blogger <place name>”, you’ll come up with the people who spend their days trying out the restaurants of place you have mentioned and you can write down the ones that catch your eye.
Travel bloggers might give tips on when to see the tourist sites or a sneaky place to go that tourists never know about. See the place you are going just like a local! This travel tips will help you lot in your trip.
Pack a strategic carry on :

Luggage gets lost unfortunately. It’s happened to many, so it’s not something you really should be caught up worrying about but it’s good to be prepared. Pack in your carry-on a few days worth of clothing, toiletries, and of course your electronics and jewelry. If you’re going to be a guest at a wedding, keep your dress and shoes or your suit in your carry-on. Maximum avoid jewellery’s while you travel.

  • Have necessary travel documents and insurance :

We Have made a list of travel documents to have when you travel. Check out that list and keep those items in mind.
  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Entry Permits
  • Copies of passport front photo page and copy of most recent visa.
  • Driver’s license.
  • If you’re in college, it doesn’t hurt to take a Student ID. You can get discounts at museums and attractions or even movie tickets
  • Travel Insurance

  • Keep a journal :

They are so fun to look back on and read! You may like to shop for clothes and jewelry but You may not big on souvenirs, so always keep a postcard and glued it into your journal. We have listed 9 reasons you’ll love keeping a travel journal.
  • Photo memories
  • Doodles
  • Personal Records
  • Networking
  • Defeat Boredom and Eating Alone
  • Inspiration – Hear new songs and quotes while you travel. Maybe a traveler tells you about a documentary that changed their life. write it down in your journal so it’s all in one place. When you get done with your trip and while you are adding new facebook friends to share photos with, you can download a movie too!
  • See New Places Not on Your Guidebook
  • Ranting
  • Helping others

  • Consider Solo Travel :

Actually do some pros and cons on this. Some people love solo travel in some places, but others you would absolutely hate it. You will Love to travel solo in India especially in kerala, wandering streets, looking in shops, and reading in cafes. Would have hated it in places like the islands where people are partying and in huge groups of friends. A lot of articles online will say traveling solo is the only way but it’s not for everyone. 

  • Be yourself :

Don’t try to be someone else when you travel. You might be going off to have some life-changing adventure, but let the adventure happen to you. You don’t have to be what you vision a “traveler” is, you can just be yourself and you’ll be surprised what can come your way!

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