Stories Behind Top 5 Haunted places in India

haunted places/wiwigo

Is there anyone out here who believes in ghosts or witches? Well, if not you then there are certainly many others who do. In India, there are certain places that are believed to be haunted. There are some story, mystery and even superstitions attached to it. And surprisingly, there is no scientific reason behind that. Read out about these top five haunted places in India that may change your opinion and beliefs about ghosts. Some people have also taken it to another level by actually visiting some of these haunted places and trying to find out about the mystery themselves. If you are adventurous and got the guts, you could do it too. Till then, read and enjoy.
haunted places/wiwigo
Bhangarh fort in Rajasthan is considered to be the most haunted place in India, and one of the most haunted places in the world. The place is so scary that even the government has banned the entry in the premises of the fort after the sunset. Although, the fort has attracted many people to find out about the mystery of the fort in the daytime. Some of the people did felt some paranormal activities while many came back without a clue. The villagers of the areas around the fort are so scared they won’t even tell you the way to the fort. Get your GPS you are visiting this place  if at all your GPS shows this fort on the map ( just saying).

The story is to be believed, there was a magician who fell in love with the princess who used to live in this fort. Their match was impossible, being a master of black magic he wanted the princess to surrender to him. However, the  princess found out about his evil ideas and found a way to kill him. Before his death, he cast a spell on the fort that this place will never prosper and will remain a ruin. It is also believed that some people tried to reconstruct the fort but they failed because the construction would become the ruin in the morning. Although, there is no scientific proof of being this place a haunted one. Visit Bhangarh for the experience of the lifetime
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Although this place in Pune: Epicenter of thrill and beauty is utterly beautiful in an architectural sense, yet it is considered as one of the haunted places in India. It is believed that most number of supernatural activities can be felt in this fort on a full moon night. Sounds no less than a horror flick. If you wish to enjoy the beauty of fort you are most welcome during the day time, but avoiding it in the nights would be a great idea. But, some of the brave hearts actually set up the camps in this fort at night to feel the paranormal activities. If you are one such brave person you could do it too, but at your own risk.

The story behind this fort is that a prince was brutally murdered in this fort, and ever since the shrieks of the prince asking for help can be heard from the premises of this fort. Some people have actually heard it. So scary , surely gives me goosebumps.
haunted places/wiwigo
Dumas beach is a black sand beach situated along the waters of the Arabian sea, located at a distance of 21 km from Surat. The beach looks perfectly fine and beautiful in the daytime. In fact, it is one of the tourist attraction of Gujrat. But as the sun sets, paranormal activities can be minutely felt on the beach. People have experienced many unexplainable activities on the beach such as black shadows, strange whispering the goofiest part is people disappearing at night without any clue.

The story behind this beach is that previously it was a Hindu cemetery , being a resting place for the dead souls. It seems that they do not like anybody disturbing them. Better to leave them resting peacefully. If facts are to be believed many people have lost their lives and have disappeared mysteriously trying to find out about the story of this black beauty beach. If you have got the guts you could have a walk in the night and feel the horror yourself. Make sure you go with a team who can have your back just in case something troubles you try to take you away. ( No kidding!). Also read Places you should not ignore if you visit Gujarat
haunted places/wiwigo
There are innumerous stories connected with the hill stations. Ask any person living in hills and he won’t deny believing in ghosts and spirits. One such haunted place in hills is Dow hill in Darjeeling. And what people see here will leave you in shock. If the local people are to be believed they have seen a headless boy appearing and suddenly disappearing into the woods.

The story behind this place is not one with the good story line but a simple one.Many people have been murdered and committed suicide in the Dow hills. Many local men who pass through these hills have committed suicide and many have gone into a depression not uttering a word from their mouth about what happened.
haunted places/wiwigo
Yet another place of Rajasthan making a way in this list .The village of Kuldhara is famous as one of the haunted places in India.It was suddenly abandoned by the villagers without any notice and without any sign thereafter.
The story behind this place goes like this, Salim Singh , chief minister of the village once visited this place and fell in love with the beautiful daughter of the chieftain wanting to marry her.However, the girl refused. The chief implied that if the girl does not marry him he would levy high taxes on the villagers. The villagers supporting the decision of the girl left  the village one light cursing the village and anyone who tries to inhabit the place. Nobody saw them leaving and nobody ever find out where they went. They left to sign of leaving what so ever. Hundreds of people and the other nearby villages simply vanished in the dark leaving the ruins of the village behind. The place is considered haunted since then. Also read Bikaner: The royal city of Rajasthan
Wooh! Writing this article gave me goosebumps. I hope you too felt the horror reading the stories.

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