5 Most Haunted Places In Bangalore That Are A New Level Of Creepy

The power of ghosts, demons or any spirits can never be undermined.While their existence is a matter of debate, some phenomena are beyond human logic and interpretation at times.The garden city of Bangalore is no exception to such weird experiences. No matter what side you are on, for or against, the fact remains that there is a (believed) dark side to the Silicon Valley. These 5 haunted places in Bangalore might seem normal during the daytime, but a visit during the night is definitely not for the faint-hearted.

1. Kalpalli Cemetery, Sarvagna Nagar

Background: Alternatively known as St John’s Cemetery, the Kalpalli cemetery near Old Madras road is the cremation ground for a large part of East Bangalore, witnessing an average of ten cremations every day – needless to say why it is among the most haunted places in Bangalore
Spooky Occurrence: People passing by this cemetery have reported sightings of a creepy man lurking around the graves at wee hours. Trust me, it is a gruesome sight bound to make you uneasy for days!
Haunting Incidents: People claim to have seen a strong demonic presence and a feeling of unease in and around the cemetery. Being severely short on space, can we say it’s not completely impossible?

2. Terra Vera, St Marks Road

Background: Built in 1943 by an Anglo-Indian lawyer EJ Vaz, this house, now among the most haunted places in Bangalore, was gifted to his spinster daughters, Vera and Dolce Vaz. Vera was an English tutor, while Dolce a piano instructor. The two sisters were the only occupants of the house until 2002, when a tragic incident happened. Dolce, the 75-year-old younger sister was killed by a youth who broke into the house at midnight in front of Vera, the elder sister. Dolce was buried in the house and Vera was asked to move to a safer location by the police. The case remains unsolved to this day.
Spooky Occurrence: Following horrific rumours and sights of headless statues, the house was demolished in February 2014. That, perhaps, further aggravated the restless souls in the house.
Haunting Incidents: Precious belongings in the house like the furniture and a vintage car remain untouched even today. People who went there to click them, have come back with corrupt images and dead batteries. Also, the stories continue as people recollect experiences of hearing screams, a face appearing out of the windows, colder temperature in a few rooms and the sound of a piano being played.

3. Kempegowda International Airport, Devanahalli

Background: The Kempegowda International Airport is one of the busiest and most haunted airports in India, with state-of-the-art architecture and provides connectivity to a number of international and domestic destinations.
Spooky Occurrence: A pilot recalls the story of the lady in a
sari requesting to help her. When he came back, she’d disappeared! Some airlines have also spotted this woman on the runway with her arms stretched out.
Haunting Incidents:  After a few days, the ghost began haunting the cargo bay as well. Another headless ghost was seen near the escalators and parking bays. Whether true or not, these stories definitely add a dreadful element to this airport.

4. Victoria Hospital

Background: Victoria Hospital is a century old building located near the City Market, known for strange happenings.
Spooky Occurrence: Nothing in particular seems to be the cause of the hospital being a haunted place in Bangalore. The only probable reason people give is the death of patients in the hospital. Going by that logic, all hospitals should be haunted, but anyway!
Haunting Incidents: A few years ago, bizarre incidents were sighted at the hospital morgue. People claimed to see a
ghostly figure on one of the trees in the hospital premises. Most of the staff have started to avoid night shifts. But the funny thing is that the ghost here is a foodie. People working here report that many packets of food have gone missing.

5. NH4

Background: The NH4 or the Bangalore – Mumbai highway is one of the longest highways in Karnataka and runs through the length of the city fun.
Spooky Occurrence: A locale narrates an incident when he was asked for a lift in the middle of the night. When he stopped, she vanished away. After looking around when he raced his car on a clear road, she came in the front all of a sudden.
Haunting Incidents: There seems to be some ‘connection’ between highways and terrorizing ghosts always. And in Bangalore, it looks like NH4 is one of their favorites. There is a popular story where people have encountered a pretty girl asking for lift around midnight and getting vanished by the time they look up and answer. The story gets spookier when she re-appears and starts laughing hysterically.  Think twice while you stop to someone asking for a lift on NH 4 next time!

Goosebumps? Well, I got it a couple of times. If you are the adventurous types, I dare you to try these haunted places in Bangalore.

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