10 Most Haunted Places In Chennai

As days crash and the darkness starts prevailing, nights in the streets,
 roads, lanes and dilapidated houses of Chennai turn cold, grey and 
haunted. It is in these nights—amidst all the peaceful existence of 
histories, temples, and beaches—that Chennai goes to a different 
height of normal – paranormal.
The exclusive haunts of Chennai are way more intense, darker, gloomier 
and creepier than any other city in the country. And thus we advise you
 to avoid visiting the most haunted places in Chennai – top 10 haunts
 that you must keep yourselves safe from!

The Top 10 Haunted Places in Chennai

1.De Monte Colony – Here’s a ghost who misses home

So this is about an entire colony established by a Portuguese businessman
 De Monte. He lived an unhappy life with his mentally ill wife. His son also
 died under unknown circumstances. The entire colony does not have a 
single light and is definitely the scariest among most haunted 
places in Chennai.
Spooky occurrence: The colony is visited by Mr De Monte often. People
 have seen him walking under the moon, opening the locks, closing the
 doors and resting around on his rocking chair.
Real life experience: The streets do not accept trespassers. Even the 
pet dogs that accidentally entered, vanished mysteriously. The locals 
appointed a guard but he could not survive. People have also seen 
opening and closing of locks without anyone being present around.

2. Broken Bridge, Besant Nagar – Where women 

demand justice even after death

So this bridge was initially built to connect fishermen to the sea. It could
 not stand the waves, broke down and has been left to ruin since then.
 A favored shooting spot in the daylight, it becomes a morning walk 
park for the citizens of the paranormal world.
Spooky occurrence: The fishermen assert that they have heard women
 screaming at night – women who were allegedly raped and murdered
 here, a few years ago.
Real life experience: Dead bodies without I-cards have been
 recovered on numerous occasions.

3. Besant Avenue Road – Meet a ghost with a strange 

sense of humor

Just a poorly lit street, housing an animal shelter, school and a
 temple–Besant Avenue Road is a new level of eerie. It looks normal
 till the sun is up and obviously goes paranormal by the time moon
 takes up the sky.
Spooky occurrence: This attacking ghost seems to be a little
 violent as his occurrences include slapping the travellers and people
 walking by. He even throws people off the road and then 
laughs out loud.
Real life experience: Many people have lodged complaints with
 the local police station about being slapped tight enough to faint.
 A few complaints include kids being thrown off the vehicle on the road.
 There have been several casualties, and thus the road is considered
 to be scary and haunted.

4. F2 Building, Valmiki Nagar – Haunted by a daughter who loved her home a little too much

So this house in Valmiki Nagar on Ambedkar Road is only 15 km from 
Chennai airport and is one of the most haunted places in Chennai. 
It is owned by the father of a woman who committed suicide in the
 house itself. The abode has been haunted for 10 years 
since her death.
Spooky occurrence: The ghost of the daughter has been living
in the house years after her death. She opens the house for the 
visitors post midnight and offers all the hospitality a 
guest is supposed to get.
Real life experience: Even Google marks this house as haunted 
on its map. People have actually, many a times, heard a girl sobbing
 from the windows of the house. When they walk past, mobile signals
 stop and the screen starts to flicker. The girl has often been spotted
 closing the door in the darkness of early morning.

5. Wipro Technologies CDC5, Sholinganallur – Where the cemetery haunts the streets

The land on which Wipro is situated used to be a graveyard in
 the 80’s. End of discussion now. Zoom into the image and look 
under the street lamp.
Spooky occurrence: A human figure has been spotted walking in 
the streets around the Wipro building in Sholinganallur. The guards
 have witnessed several apparitions at night.
Real life experience: Security guards at the Wipro office have
 encountered several apparitions, have caught fever post the 
encounters and have thrown feats for 3-4 days continuously. Also,
 this one is an image shared by a commuter who happened to cross 
the road in one of those nights.

6. Karikattukuppam, ECR – Haunted by blood-hungry souls

This locality has been one of the worst hit Tsunami zones in 2004. 
Several deaths caused an upsurge of equal number of unsatisfied 
sad souls in the vicinity. The area is largely deserted with only a 
temple and a few households to call it inhabited by these 
unsatisfied souls – thus making it one of the most 
haunted places in Chennai
Spooky occurrence: It has been popular that these ghost 
are blood hungry and haunt the only temple in the area.
Real life experience: People visiting the temple at early morning
 have spotted blood drops on the floor of the temple. Chopped 
body parts have also been found in the vicinity of the temple, and
 no crime could be traced to reason out their presence.

7. 2 Laned East Coast Road – Ghosts of the road

This is so filmy. This butter smooth road is a rider’s delight during 
the day. Cometh the hours of the moon and this two laned road, 
connecting Chennai and Puducherry, turns into one of the most 
haunted places in Chennai. Drivers have died, passengers and 
pillion riders have suffered fatal injuries and what not…
Spooky occurrence: There are multiple versions of the ghost 
on this road — a toddler, a cat, a girl and many more. All these 
appear as apparitions on the road causing the drivers to lose 
control over their vehicles.
Real life experience: Hear this car driver out- “I had not done
 anything wrong to anger the ghost on the road. I was driving my 
car at 90 km/hr which is normal on this road. I suddenly saw a 
toddler crawling in the middle of the road. I was about to push the
 breaks and guess what? The baby came onto my windshield and 
turned towards me with red growling eyes. I lost my wheels and
 crashed the crash guard.”

8. Anna Flyover – A building-full of ghosts

This is just a half ready, empty building facing the Anna Flyover. 
The building, sadly has been the suicide venue of quite a 
many sad souls.
Spooky occurrence: People passing by have often told about 
strange echoing noises of laughter and cries. The nights are 
harrowing examples of sad darkness and chills.
Real life experience: A hot summer night at this building sends
 winter chills of sub zero degrees. People have caught cold and
 fever after crossing the infamous Anna flyover 
building during the night.

9. Theosophical Society – The ghost of the banyan

So, every experience here revolves around a huge Banyan tree. 
A forest reserve near the Adyar River in Valmiki Nagar, the 
Theosophical Society is well visited during the day. After 7 (pm)
 is when all the drama starts around the tree.
Spooky occurrence: Loud screams after sunset, and indistinct 
names being called out from the tree are among the most 
common occurrences at the haunted spot of the 
Theosophical Society.
Real life experience: Hear him out – “We sat under the tree and 
took photos. It was nothing weird until it was 7 pm in the night and 
the guard started chasing us out. We managed to beg for little time 
and were seeing the photos that we snapped sitting in a mansion, 
close to where Vivekananda was believed to have stayed. We heard 
a really scary scream from the branches of the tree and couldn’t 
tolerate it; even the birds began to fly in all random directions. The 
scream lasted for about 30 seconds and there was no one around the
 place except my friend and myself. I could feel the fear in my abdomen
 and I was about to cry. We just ran, without looking back, to the main
 circle where we told the watchman. He said it must have been 
some bird. Please, we know how birds chirp. Many creepy incidents
 have been reported after sunset.”

10. Madras Christian College – The ghost of a failed romanticAl right, let’s end the list at a romantic note. This one is actually about the catharsis of refusal. So this alleged ghost that walks the corridors of Herber’s Hall at Madras Christian College got rejected by his love and committed suicide. Poor lad!

Spooky occurrence: The guy visits the hall at night and sometimes
 in the morning. He cries, laughs and talks to his friends. 
People have heard his footsteps often.
Real life experience: The lad seems to be a petulant kid. He not 
only plays around in the corridor, but also leaves the taps running,
 throws the utensils, and breaks windows.
According to the recent reports, a few more places are believed to
 be visited by the civilians of under-land. Like the other day, some 
cricket playing kids lost their ball inside this house in Uthandi, VGP 
layout 2 on ECR and went looking for it. The kids have been
complaining of hallucinations post that. In one of the other real
 life incidences, a curious couple went inside this house in
 Ekkaduthangal, only to come back with bruises and hallucinations
 along with cold fever. The house is said to have been
 haunted for 10 years.
Well, for ghost hunters like you and me, the list does not end here.
 We have kept chasing them and will keep doing so. If you have 
any to add to the list, do share.

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