
3.4 The process for communicating the final decision

a) When the on-field umpire has reached a decision, he should advise the TV director (directly or via the third umpire).

b) For Player Reviews concerning potential dismissals, he should then indicate “Out” by raising his finger above his head in a normal yet prominent manner or indicate “Not Out” by the call of ‘not out’ and by crossing his hands in a horizontal position side to side in front and above his waist three times (as per a ‘safe’ decision in baseball). Where the decision is a reversal of the on-field umpire’s previous decision, he should make the ‘revoke last signal’ indication immediately prior to the above.
c) If the mode of dismissal is not obvious or not the same as that on which the original decision was based, then the umpire should advise the official scorers via the third umpire.

3.5 Number of Player Review requests permitted

a) Each team is allowed to make one unsuccessful Player Review requests per innings. If a Player Review results in the umpire reversing his original decision, then the request has been successful and does not count towards the innings limit. If the umpire’s decision is unchanged, the Player Review is unsu ccessful. After one unsuccessful request by one team, no further Player Review requests will be allowed by that team during the current innings.

b) If following a Player Review, an umpire upholds a decision of ‘Out’, but for a different mode of dismissal from that for which the original decision was given, then the request will still be regarded as unsuccessful.

c) If following a Player Review, an umpire upholds a decision of ‘Not Out’ on account of the delivery being a no ball for any reason, thereby not requiring any review of the ball’s subsequent trajectory, then this will not be counted as an unsuccessful request and not count towards the innings limit.

d) If a Player Review and an Umpire Review occur from the same delivery and the decision from the Umpire Review renders the Player Review unnecessary (see 3.8 (b) and 3.8 (c)), then the Player Review request will be ignored and not be counted as unsuccessful.

e) An unsuccessful review may be re-instated by the Match Referee at his sole discretion (if appropriate after consultation with the ICC Technical Official and/or

the television broadcast director), if the review could not properly be concluded due to a failure of the technology. Any such decision shall be final and should be taken as soon as possible once all the relevant facts have been ascertained by the Match Referee. An unsuccessful review shall not be re-instated if, despite any technical failures, the correct decision could still have been made using the other available technology. Similarly, no reinstatement shall be made where the technology worked as intended, but the evidence gleaned from its use was “inconclusive”.

f)  The third umpire shall be responsible for counting the number of unsuccessful Player Reviews and advising the on-field umpires once either team has exhausted their allowance for that innings.

g) The scoreboard shall display, for the innings in progress, the number of Player Reviews remaining available to each team.

3.6 Dead ball

a) If following a Player Review request, an original decision of ‘Out’ is changed to ‘Not Out’, then the ball is still deemed to have become dead when the original decision was made (as per Law 23.1(a)(iii)). The batting side, while benefiting from the reversal of the dismissal, will not benefit from any runs that may subsequently have accrued from the delivery had the on-field umpire originally made a ‘Not Out’ decision, other than any No Balls penalty that could arise under 3.3 (g) above.

b) If an original decision of ‘Not Out’ is changed to ‘Out’, the ball will retrospectively be deemed to have become dead from the moment of the dismissal event. All subsequent events, including any runs scored, are ignored.

3.7 Use of technology

a) The following technology may be used by the third umpire.

      Slow motion replays from all available cameras

      Super slow motion replays from all available cameras

      Ultra motion camera replays from all available cameras

      Ultra Edge

      Sound from the stump microphones with the replays at normal speed and slow motion

      Approved ball tracking technology

      The mat, generated by the provider of ball tracking technology, not by the broadcaster

      Hot Spot cameras

      Real-Time Snickometer

      LED Wickets (using the lights to indicate if the wicket is broken).

In addition, other forms of technology may be used subject to ICC being satisfied that the required standards of accuracy and time efficiency can be met.

b) Where practical usage or further testing indicates that any of the above forms of technology cannot reliably provide accurate and timely information, then it may be removed prior to or during a match. The final decision regarding the technology to be used in a given match will be taken by the ICC Match Referee in consultation with the ICC Technical Official, ICC Management and the competing teams’ governing bodies.

3.8 Combining Umpire Reviews with Player Reviews

a) If an Umpire Review (under Clause 2) and a Player Review request are made following the same delivery but relating to separate modes of dismissal, the following procedure shall apply.

b) The Umpire Review should be carried out prior to the Player Review if all of the following conditions apply:

i)   The Player Review has been requested by the fielding side

ii)  The Umpire Review and the Player Review both relate to the dismissal of the same batsman

iii) If the batsman is out, the number of runs scored from the delivery would be the same for both modes of dismissal

iv)              If the batsman is out, the batsman on strike for the next delivery would be the same for both modes of dismissal.

c) If the Umpire Review leads the third umpire to make a decision of ‘Out’, then this will be displayed in the usual manner and the Player Review will not be performed. If the Umpire Review results in a not out decision, then the third umpire will make no public decision but proceed to address the Player Review request.

For illustration, following an unsuccessful lbw appeal, the striker sets off for a run, is sent back and there is an appeal for his run out. The players request that the lbw decision is reviewed and the umpires request that the run out be reviewed. The four criteria above are satisfied, so the run out referral is determined first. Should the appeal for run out be ‘Out’, then there is no requirement for the lbw review to take place.

d) In all other circumstances, the two incidents shall be addressed in chronological order. If the conclusion from the first incident is that a batsman is dismissed, then the ball would be deemed to have become dead at that point, rendering investigation of the second incident unnecessary.

3.9 Interpretation of Laws

a) When using technology to determine where the ball pitched (as per Law 36.1(b)), the third umpire should refer to the “point” (or centre) of the ball. Ther efore if

at least 50% of the ball pitches outside the line of leg stump, then no LBW dismissal is possible.

b) When using a replay to determine the moment at which the wicket has been put down (as per Law 28.1), the third umpire should deem this to be the first frame in which one of the bails is shown (or can be deduced) to have lost all contact with the top of the stumps and subsequent frames show the bail permanently removed from the top of the stumps.

3.10       No Balls

If the on-field umpire is uncertain as to the fairness of the delivery following a dismissal, either affecting the validity of the dismissal or which batsman is dismissed, he shall be entitled to request the batsman to delay leaving the field and to check the fairness of the delivery (all modes of No ball except for the bowler using an illegal action, [for clarity, a specific type of banned delivery can be reviewed and called no ball]) with the third umpire. Consultation with the third umpire shall be by way of two way radio. If the delivery was not a fair delivery the on-field umpire shall indicate that the batsman is not-out and signal no-ball. For the avoidance of doubt, the third umpire shall apply clause 24.3 when deciding whether a no-ball should have been called.

3.11       Cameras On or Over the Field of Play

The on-field umpire shall be entitled to refer to the third umpire for a decision as to whether the ball has been in contact with any part of the camera, its apparatus or its cables above the playing area.

A decision is to be made immediately and cannot be changed thereafter.

An on-field umpire wishing the assistance of the third umpire in this circumstance shall communicate with the third umpire by use of a two-way radio and the third umpire will convey his decision to the on-field umpire by this method.

The third umpire may initiate contact with the on-field umpire by two-way radio if TV coverage shows the ball to have been in contact with any part of the camera or its cables above the playing area as envisaged under this paragraph.

Refer to clause 23.1.

3.12       Big Screen Policy

The current ICC big screen policy will apply. See also 3.2(d)


DRS Third Umpire Room and Television Broadcast Specifications

Specifications will be circulated separately.


Third Umpire TV Replay System – Playing Conditions


1.1 Save with the express written consent of the Chief Executive Officer of the ICC the Home Board will ensure the live television broadcast of all ODI Matches played in its country.

1.2 Where matches are broadcast the camera specification set out in Appendix 8A shall be mandatory as a minimum requirement.

1.3 Where matches are not broadcast the camera specifications set out in Appendix 8B shall be mandatory as a minimum requirement.

1.4 The Home Board will ensure a separate room is provided for the third umpire and that he has access to television monitors and direct sound link with the television control broadcast director to facilitate as many replays as is necessary to assist him in making a decision.

1.5 The provisions of clauses 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 above shall not apply for series between a Full Member country and Associate/Affiliate Member countries (whose matches have been granted ODI status) and for series between such Associate/Affiliate Member countries.

1.6 In the circumstances detailed in paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the on-field umpire has the discretion to refer the decision to the third umpire or, in the case of paragraph 3.1, 5 and 6 to consult with the third umpire before making his decision and should take a common sense approach.

Players may not appeal to the umpire to use the replay system - breach of this provision would constitute dissent and the player could be liable for discipline under the ICC Code of Conduct.

1.7 The third umpire shall call for as many replays from any camera angle as is necessary to reach a decision. As a guide, a decision should be made within 30 seconds whenever possible, but the third umpire shall have a discretion to take more time in order to finalise a decision.

1.8 The third umpire shall only have access to TV replays for the provisions of paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 below. Other technology which may be in use by the broadcaster for broadcast purposes (Hot Spot, ball tracking, Snicko) shall not be permitted.


2.1 The on-field umpire shall be entitled to refer an appeal for a run-out, stumping or hit wicket to the third umpire.

2.2 An on-field umpire wishing to refer a decision to the third umpire shall signal to the third umpire by making the shape of a TV screen with his hands.

2.3 If the third umpire decides the batsman is out a red light is displayed; a green light means not-out. Should the third umpire be temporarily unable to respond, a white light (where available) will remain illuminated throughout the period of interruption to signify to the on-field umpires that the TV replay system is temporarily unavailable, in which case the decision will be taken by the on-field umpire. (As an alternative to the red/green light system and where available, the big screen may be used for the purpose of conveying the third umpire’s decision.)

2.4 In the case of a referral of a hit wicket or stumping decision, the third umpire shall first check the fairness of the delivery (all modes of No ball except for the bowler using an illegal action, [for clarity, a specific type of banned delivery can be reviewed and called no ball]) Additionally, if the third umpire finds the batsman is out by another mode of dismissal (excluding LBW), or not out by any mode of dismissal (excluding LBW), he shall notify the on-field umpire so that the correct decision is made.

2.5 LED Wickets are permitted to be used for run-out, stumping and hit wicket decisions (using the lights to determine if the wicket is broken).


The on-field umpire shall be entitled to refer an appeal for a caught decision to the third umpire in the following circumstances:

Fair Catches, Bump Ball and obstructing the field

a) Should the bowler’s end umpire be unable to decide whether or not a catch was taken fairly, or if a catch was taken from a bump ball or not, or if, on appeal from the fielding side, the batsman obstructed the field, he shall first consult with the square leg umpire.

b) Should both on-field umpires require assistance from the third umpire to make a decision, the bowler’s end umpire shall firstly take a decision on-field after consulting with the other umpire, then he shall consult by two-way radio with the third umpire. Such consultation shall be initiated by the bowler’s end umpire to the third umpire by making the shape of a TV screen with his hands, followed by an ‘out’ or ‘not out’ signal made with the hands close to the chest at chest height. If the third umpire advises that the replay evidence is inconclusive, the on-field decision communicated at the start of the consultation process shall stand.

c) The third umpire has to determine whether the batsman has been caught or if it was a bump ball or not, or if the batsman obstructed the field. However, when reviewing the television replay(s), the third umpire shall first check the fairness of the delivery for decisions involving a catch (all modes of No ball except for the bowler using an illegal action, [for clarity, a specific type of banned delivery can be reviewed and called no ball]). Additionally, if it is clear to the third umpire that the batsman is out by another mode of dismissal (excluding LBW), or not out by any mode of dismissal (excluding LBW), he shall notify the on-field umpire so that the correct decision is made.

For clarity, the third umpire shall not check for another mode of dismissal when there is an appeal for obstructing the field.

d) The third umpire shall communicate his decision by the system as in paragraph 2.3.


4.1 The on-field umpire shall be entitled to refer to the third umpire for a decision about whether the fieldsman had any part of his person in contact with the ball when he touched the boundary or when he had any part of his person grounded beyond the boundary, or whether a four or six had been scored. A decision is to be made immediately and cannot be changed thereafter.

4.2 An on-field umpire wishing the assistance of the third umpire in this circumstance shall communicate with the third umpire by use of a two-way radio and the third umpire will convey his decision to the on-field umpire by this method.

4.3 The third umpire may initiate contact with the on-field umpire by two-way radio if TV coverage shows a boundary line infringement or incident that appears not to have been acted upon by the on-field umpires.


5.1 In the event of both batsmen running to the same end and the umpires are uncertain over which batsmen made his ground first, the on-field umpire may consult with the third umpire.

5.2 The procedure in paragraph 4.2 shall apply.


If the on-field umpire is uncertain as to the fairness of the delivery following a dismissal, either affecting the validity of the dismissal or which batsman is dismissed, he shall be entitled to request the batsman to delay leaving the field and to check the fairness of the delivery (all modes of No ball except for the bowler using an illegal action, [for clarity, a specific type of banned delivery can be reviewed and called no ball]) with the third umpire. Consultation with the third umpire shall be by way of two way radio. If the delivery was not a fair delivery the on-field umpire shall indicate that the batsman is not-out and signal no-ball. For the avoidance of doubt, the third umpire shall apply clause
24.3 when deciding whether a no-ball should have been called.


The on-field umpire shall be entitled to refer to the third umpire for a decision as to whether the ball has been in contact with any part of the camera, its apparatus or its cables above the playing area.

A decision is to be made immediately and cannot be changed thereafter.

An on-field umpire wishing the assistance of the third umpire in this circumstance shall communicate with the third umpire by use of a two-way radio and the third umpire will convey his decision to the on-field umpire by this method.

The third umpire may initiate contact with the on-field umpire by two-way radio if TV coverage shows the ball to have been in contact with any part of the camera or its cables above the playing area as envisaged under this paragraph.

Refer to clause 23.1.


Generic Camera Layout - Basic TV Coverage

Wicket to Wicket


Wicket to Wicket
Square leg/Mid Wicket

Line / Run out Cam

Line / Run out cam


Generic Camera Layout - Third Umpire Coverage

Line / Run out Cam
Line / Run out Cam

Line / Run out Cam

Line / Run out Cam


Application of the Reserve Day

The hours of play on the Reserve Day will be the same as on the scheduled day for the match (including the extra time provision).

If play is interrupted on the scheduled day, umpires will use the available extra time and, if necessary, reduce the number of overs to try to achieve a result on that day. Each team must have had the opportunity to bat for a minimum of 20 overs for a result to be achieved.

If play has not resumed by the cut-off time required to allow the minimum number of overs to be bowled to achieve a result on the scheduled day, play shall be abandoned for the day and the Reserve Day will be used to complete the match.

On the Reserve Day, play will recommence under the same assumption that the last ball was bowled on the scheduled day.

The match starts when the coin toss takes place and teams are exchanged. If the toss occurs on the scheduled day and there is no play thereafter, the result of the toss and the named teams will be carried through to the Reserve Day.

Umpires should make all their Ground / Weather / Light decisions to maximize play on the scheduled day of the match to achieve a result on that day - as if there was no Reserve Day available.

As far as the curators are concerned, their treatment of the pitch on the Reserve Day would be;
      Covering and removal of covers - same as the scheduled day of the match, clause 11 of the PCs.

      Mowing and rolling – as per Law 10 - same as it would be for Day 2 of a Test match.

Example 1:

Match starts at 50 overs per side and there is an interruption at 19 overs. Overs are reduced to 46 overs per side and play is about to resume. Before another ball is bowled it rains and play is abandoned for the day.
As the match didn’t resume under the revised overs, the match should continue on the reserve day at the original 50 overs per side with the overs reduced if necessary during the reserve day.

Example 2:

The same start as in example 1 i.e. match starts at 50 overs per side and there is an interruption at 19 overs. Overs are reduced to 46 overs per side and play is about to resume. This time, play starts and after an over has been bowled it rains and play is abandoned for the day.

As the match has resumed, it is continued on the reserve day at 46 overs per side with the overs further reduced if necessary during the reserve day.

Note: All references to ‘Governing Body’ within the Laws of Cricket shall be replaced by ‘ICC Match Referee’
Note: Squad members of the fielding team who are not playing in the match and who are not acting as substitute fielders shall be required to wear a team training bib whilst on the playing area (including the area between the boundary and the perimeter fencing).

Note: Advertising closer to the stumps as set out above which is required to meet 3D requirements for broadcasters may be permitted, subject to prior ICC approval having been obtained.
Note: In addition to clauses i), ii) and iii) above, the length of the Interval may be reduced by the ICC Match Referee should exceptional circumstances arise.

Note: The playing hours of matches scheduled to take place at venues where dew is likely to be a factor should be determined so as to ensure that the effect of any dew is minimized
Note: Law 12.5 requiring the captain of the side winning the toss to notify the opposing captain as soon as the toss is completed of his decision to bat or to field first shall apply.
Note: If the television evidence is inconclusive as to whether or not a boundary has been scored, the status quo will remain, and it shall be treated as runs scored by the batting side

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